What is Justitia Project?
Justitia Project is an umbrella project consisting of sub-projects. Sub-projects are simply freeware softwares ranging from desktop applications to Microsoft Office Add-Ins. It’s was initiated to make people’s life easier who work in fiscal area. There is no public or private institution behind the project. It’s non-profit and it doesn’t rely on revenue directly or indirectly generated or shared by its users.
Although there has been many technological advancement in various economic areas in Turkey, audit and accountancy sector has remained silent against technological advancement because of its labor-extensive working methodology, structural problems and conservative roots. Justitia Project aims to change this trend and create fair working conditions for sector members.
Why softwares are free of charge?
There are many companies in audit and accountancy sector. A few of them operates really profitable business but the rest has serious budget limitations. Justitia Project aims to popularize software usage in audit process and budget limitation should not affect the decision of using automated tools. That’s why, the project offers its products free of charge to encourage companies.
is the Project financed?
Actually, there is no need to be financed. Softwares are results of a labor extensive effort. Libraries integrated with softwares are open source and of course free of charge. The Project doesn’t need advertisement in order to introduce itself and does not rely on a revenue generated by showing commercial ads to its users. There are only two costs to continue the project: one tangible and the other intangible. The first is project’s website hosting related cost. And the second is time.
Is it necessary to
get a membership or sign up to project website?
No membership is required. Users don't have to sign up to this website or any other website to use softwares in the project. But we have a plan to introduce a one-time sign up and sign -in procedure to access softwares in the future. Because it is really hard to know who uses the sofwares or just downloaded and dumped it.
Do softwares in the project
includes malicious codes?
There are many ways to spread a virus like exe merge or unauthorized file download. But none of them requires a civil servant to code and distribute softwares for benefit of others with his open identity. For maximum protections we warn our users not to download softwares from unknown sources We are also warn our users to check softwares's hash values against hash values published on this website for each software version.
Are the softwares
open to development or to redistribution by third parties?
Tampering or reverse engineering of the softwares is illegal. No one can change the code if he is not officially announced as a member developer of the project. It is also illegal to redistribute the software from other online or offline platforms other than project's official website provided that an open permission is not given. The same conditions are valid for logos, illustrations and documentation of the project. Terms may seem a bit restrictive. Trust us, this a necessary evil. Because we don't electronically sign the installers yet.
Software detected
potentially harmful or as a virus by antivirus software ?!
There may be two reasons that your antivirus software doesn't like our softwares. First of them, installers or portable executables have not been electronically signed yet. Operating systems or antivirus softwares rightfully complain about it because it's really hard to validate the source without electronic signature. Unverified publisher identity may cause software marked potentially harmful. Another reason why your antivirus complaining may be the obfuscation of the source code for protection against reverse engineering.
First you should check the hash code of installer or portable executable against the hash codes published on this website. In case hash code doesn't match, it means the software is tampered. Say, hash codes match but you still have doubts about the software, you can always scan the executable online here with at least 68 antivirus softwares. You will see only a few of them find the software potentially harmful because of aforementioned code obfuscation.
works in the Project?
Currently, there is only one software developer in the project who is also a civil servant. You can find out more about him from his profile. We have a plan to publish other freeware softwares and extend our group by adding other developers.
Is this a kind of unauthorized
information collection attempt?
No, absolutely not. All softwares in the project has its own privacy and security policy that we are required to respect. You can read the policies on this website or find them in each software. There is no collection of data in the background without permission. Some softwares don't need your data even with your consent. if anything changes in this policy, our users for sure will be informed.
Why are the softwares
not open source?
The softwares in the project are free of charge but not open source. We have several sensible reasons to keep them as proprietary softwares. First, target users of softwares are not tech guys and don't care about the source code. Second, even if software are free of charge, they are still protected by license agreements against inappropriate usage. Third, anyone can compile the source code with malicious code injection. this is not wanted Because he can easily fooled the targeted users. In the end, neither all companies has its own it department nor all of them hire a tech guy.
Can parts of the project
be used in essays, books, videos or in any other written or visual works?
It's forbidden to use softwares, documentations, logos, illustrations or any other projects parts in your works without open and written permission of right holder.
How do we
contribute to the project?
There are many ways to contribute to the project. For example, you may be a part of our test group, give feedback about bugs or offer development ideas. While we are coding, we must also deal with our limited budget. Some components like libraries, e-signature certificate, hosting, domain etc need finance. So, we are open to offers by people who may put reasonable prices on their products. We don't accept direct funds now that project doesn't have a goal to raise funds, accept donations or receive aids. You can check project needs here.
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