Erhan Selim
Justitia Project and its sub-projects were initiated by me. Developed all the softwares on my own, still coding the new ones and have a plan to finish this project with 10 softwares. Of course, it requires time to reach this goal because i can only code in my free time. That's why the project is going a little bit slow.
As it is mentioned here, neither the project relies on a monetization model nor it has a commercial background. In addition, the project has nothing with collecting unauthorized user data. In contrast, we're committed to protecting and respecting users' privacy. Main goal of the project is changing labor-intensive working conditions in the audit and accountancy sector. The project has also some auxiliary aims like strengthening freeware culture, developing right tools and techniques for auditing electronic data and making sector members to adopt e-audit. You can find out more about me below. Hope all softwares in the project will be useful for you and ease your works.
Erhan Selim
Bachelor’s Degree, Public Finance, Graduation Grade 3.57, Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey
Double Major, International Relations, Graduation Grade 3.28 – Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey
Programming Languages: C#, Python, PHP, Javascript (18 years experience in C# and Microsoft Technologies)
Frameworks and Other Concepts: HTML, CSS, Classic ASP, Web Forms, Web Pages, Asp.Net Core MVC, APIs and Services, WinForms, WPF, Laravel, Plugin and Theme Development For Popular CMS Platforms like WordPress, PostgreSQL, MSSQL, MySQL, Arango, Neo4J, Jquery, Ajax, JSON, Microsoft Office Add-In Development With VSTO, Web Automation Development with Selenium, XML and XML related technologies (Xpath, Schema, Schematron, UBL, XBRL) teknolojiler, React, Xamarin, Cyber Security, NLP, Computer Vision
Revenue Controller: Appointed as Revenue Controller after having being successful on Public Personnel Selection Examination and Turkish Ministry of Finance’s Special Professional Exam in 2011.
Tax Inspector: Appointed to The Presidency of Tax Inspection Board(TIB), as Tax Inspector, after dissolution of Revenue Controllers and reformation of Ministry of Finance’s Audit Units in 2011 and became a part of the 5000-person tax inspectors family(2011 – 2021). Worked in different departments of TIB like Large Taxpayers Group (2011 – 2014), Transfer Pricing, Thin Capitalization and Offshore Incomes Group (2014 -2016), Sectoral – I Department (2019 – 2021).
As a member of prestigious audit department of Turkish Revenue Administration which consisted of only 320 persons and a member of TIB, took charge in tax audits of large taxpayers, inspections of field organization and investigation of personnel crimes, gave classroom training and recorded hours of video tutorials for education of Tax Inspectors about e-audit and solved e-audit problems of tax inspectors, attended international conferences and meetings in Europe as a representative of TIB and prepared key research reports about offshores, online marketplaces, learning management systems.
Administrative Officer Inspector: Electronic Audit Department, TIB (2016 – 2017)
Coordinator(Head of Department): Managed and designed government level IT projects in Electronic Audit Department, TIB (2017 – 2019)
Auditor: Appointed to State Supervisory Council (an inspection council having the power of inspection on almost all public bodies and tied directly to Presidency of the Republic of Turkey) as an auditor in 2021 and became one of the 36 auditors handling inspections based on request of the President. (2021 – )
Managed or Designed Public IT Projects in Giving Roles:
Audit 2.0 Project (Architect, Project Manager): A research, development and transformation project aiming to transfer all labor-intensive tax inspection processes into technology-intensive area. It is an umbrella project consisting of sub-projects:
1- Process Steps Project: (Monitoring all tax audit business steps electronically)
2- E-Audit Files Project: (E-archiving of all files relating tax audit)
3- Remote Submission Project: (Remote submission of financial data with e-signature)
4- Report Automation System Project: (Robotic process automation in preparing tax audit reports)
5- Audit Analysis Project: (Machine operated tax audits with predefined analysis),
6- Audit Coordination Project: (Transformation tax audit process into a teamwork)
7- Audit Submission File Project: (OECD SAF-T Integration)
VEDAS Project – (Project Manager): VEDAS (Tax Audit and Analysis System), is another umbrella project consisting of portal, forum, analysis server, audit client and remote submission app. Vedas Client, is one of the successful CAATs (computer assisted audit techniques) developed to audit any kind and volume electronic data with minimum system resources.
SAF-T Turkey Integration – (Project Manager): A Continuous Monitoring and Auditing Project to monitor fiscal operations of key sector companies like members of Oil and Gas sector.
Risk Analysis System Project – (Project Manager): Risk Analysis Project is rule based and financial data intensive project developed for automatically selecting and scoring the most risky tax payers for tax inspection fulfilled by tax inspectors.
V-Spider – (Project Manager): A web scrapping project developed for scrapping financial or tax related data from social media or any other web platforms.
E-Audit Solution Mechanisms – (Responsible Manager): Used for answering tax inspectors e-audit related questions in years between 2017 and 2019.
English – Professional Working Proficiency – YDS(Foreign Language Level Determination Exam) May, 2021 – 92,5
Essays published on professional web platforms like Vergipedia, MuhasebeTR:
Vergipedia Yazılar:
MuhasebeTR Yazılar:
Essays published in refereed journals:
Vergi Dünyası Dergisi Aralık 2019, Şema ve Şematron Kuralları ve Elektronik Defter ve Belgelerde Bu Kuralların İhlalinden Kaynaklanan Hatalar,
Vergi Sorunları Dergisi, Haziran 2019 Sayı 369, Elektronik Defter Değişmezlik Paradoksu: Gelir İdaresi Başkanlığı Elektronik Defteri Neden Muhafaza Altına Almalı?
Vergi Raporu Mayıs 2019 Özel Sayı, Elektronik Faturanın Mevcut Mimarisinin Faturanın Denetlenebilirliğine ve Bazı Kaçakçılık Suçlarının İşlenmesine Etkisi